A sample promotion post for Easy Mobile

Easy Mobile is a many-in-one package that greatly simplifies the implementation of standard features on every mobile game including advertising, in-app purchasing, game services, native sharing, and more. It does so by:
– Providing a friendly custom editor for setting up and managing things.
– Introducing a cross-platform API that can accomplish most tasks with only one line of code.
– Leveraging official plugins when possible, e.g. Google Play Games plugin for Unity, for reliability and compatibility without reinventing the wheel.

UPDATE: With the release of version 1.1.0, we also offer the first truly mobile-friendly GIF generator on the Asset Store.

This plugin is divided into following modules:
– Supports AdColony, AdMob, Chartboost, Heyzap and UnityAds. Even more ad networks can be used with AdMob or Heyzap mediation
– Automatic ad loading
– Allows using multiple ad networks in one game
– Allows different ad configurations on iOS and Android
– What can be done: show/hide banner, interstitial and rewarded ads, remove ads, etc.
– Works with Game Center (iOS) and Google Play Game Services (Android)
– Custom editor for easy management of leaderboards and achievements
– What can be done: show leaderboard UI, report scores, unlock normal/incremental achievements, load scores, load friends, etc.
– Records screen/camera, plays and exports GIF images from recorded clips
– Mobile-friendly GIF generator: GIF encoding is done in native code on a separate thread
– Giphy upload API for sharing GIF to social networks
– Works in Unity editor

Here’re demo GIFs generated on an iPhone 5
Demo GIF 1 | Demo GIF 2
– Leverages Unity IAP service, a powerful service that supports most app stores including iOS App Store, Google Play, Amazon Apps, Samsung GALAXY Apps and Tizen Store
– Receipt validation
– Custom editor for easy management of product catalog
– What can be done: purchase in-app consumable, non-consumable or subscription products, restore purchases, read receipts, refresh Apple app receipt, get product localized data, etc.
– Shares texts, URLs and images using the native sharing functionality
– Allows access of native UI elements including alerts, dialogs and (Android) toasts
– Compatible with OneSignal, a free and popular push notification service
– Rating request: an effective way to ask for rating using the system-provided rating prompt of iOS (10.3+) and a native, highly customizable popup on Android

* Easy Mobile fully supports two major mobile platforms: iOS and Android
* Easy Mobile works with any Unity project targeting iOS and Android, not just SgLib Games’ templates
* Full source code is available

Relevant links:
– Online documentation
– Forum Thread
– Demo APK
– Join our Beta testing campaign to test IAP without being charged

Support email: sglib.games@gmail.com
(Please kindly include your order number when requesting support. Thank you!)

Keep in touch with us:

Your rating, review and feedback are greatly appreciated!